Internal Implementation Details

This chapter of the documentation describes some of the internal implementation details.

Closure Representation

Perhaps the most important part of the library is the Haskell representation of the heap.

Closures are represented by the DebugClosure pap string s b type. Each different closure type has its own constructor. The type parameters correspond to the four different types of pointers which can be found in closures.

For example, constructor closures have the standard layout, an info table followed by pointers, followed by data with the addition of a pointer to a description for that closure. Therefore it is represented as follows:

    { info       :: !StgInfoTableWithPtr
    , ptrArgs    :: ![b]            -- ^ Pointer arguments
    , dataArgs   :: ![Word]         -- ^ Non-pointer arguments
    , constrDesc :: !string

Type parameters mark the recursive positions.

Unlike ghc-heap, closures are just things which have info tables. The representation of the info table in ghc-debug also contains the pointer to the info table as well as the decoded table.

The easiest way to generically interact with a DebugClosure pap string s b is using the Quadtraversable class, which is a generalisation of Traversable to work with 4 type parameters.

class Quadtraversable m where
  quadtraverse ::
    Applicative f => (a -> f b)
                  -> (c -> f d)
                  -> (e -> f g)
                  -> (h -> f i)
                  -> m a c e h
                  -> f (m b d g i)

Decoding Closures

After the raw closure information is requested from the debuggee, the raw bytestring is decoded into a DebugClosure using the decodeClosure function.

There are two different ways closures are decoded.

For most closures the raw closure is mapped into memory and the getClosureRaw function from ghc-heap is reused to decode the closure before it is converted into the ghc-heap representation using convertClosure.

For common and usual closures, the decoding logic is implemented directly using the Data.Binary interface. This turns out to be significantly faster (25%ish) so is worthwhile for simple and common types as well as ones which ghc-heap does not properly support such as APThunk and APStack closures.

Only one layer of a closure is decoded at a time. The information placed in the parameter positions is sufficient to decode that parameter on its own. For example, the StackCont contains the address of the stack pointer and the raw stack frames, because this is what we need in order to query to debuggee in order to decode it.

Stack Frame Decoding

Stack frame decoding is implemented in GHC.Debug.Decode.Stack. The implementation is complicated significantly by RET_FUN frames which require looking at information other than the info table in order to know how to decode the frame. This is why the StackCont has a StackPtr and the RequestStackBitmap request is in terms of a StackPtr and offset rather than just an address.

Block Cache

A significant performance optimisation was to precache all the blocks a program knows about and then handle any requests to dereference a closure pointer firstly by looking in the block cache, to see if we have the block, and if not getting the block from the debuggee. All this logic is in GHC.Debug.Client.BlockCache.

Request Model

The debugger connects to a running process over a socket and then issues requests over the socket using the API defined by GHC.Debug.Types.Request.


All requests are cached in the RequestCache. Snapshotting is implemented by serialising the RequestCache. Resuming a process clears are requests which are invalidated by a pause, such as RequestClosure but doesn’t remove entries such as RequestInfoTable and RequestSourceLoc which are unchanged across the execution of a program. This is also a significant performance improvement, when querying a live process the first traversal is far slower than subsequent pauses.