.. _deriving-via: Deriving via ------------ .. extension:: DerivingVia :shortdesc: Allow deriving instances ``via`` types of the same runtime representation. :implies: :extension:`DerivingStrategies` :since: 8.6.1 This allows ``deriving`` a class instance for a type by specifying another type that is already an instance of that class. This only makes sense if the methods have identical runtime representations, in the sense that coerce (see The ``Coercible`` constraint) can convert the existing implementation into the desired implementation. The generated code will be rejected with a type error otherwise. :extension:`DerivingVia` is indicated by the use of the ``via`` deriving strategy. ``via`` requires specifying another type (the ``via`` type) to ``coerce`` through. For example, this code: :: {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} import Numeric newtype Hex a = Hex a instance (Integral a, Show a) => Show (Hex a) where show (Hex a) = "0x" ++ showHex a "" newtype Unicode = U Int deriving Show via (Hex Int) -- >>> euroSign -- 0x20ac euroSign :: Unicode euroSign = U 0x20ac Generates the following instance :: instance Show Unicode where show :: Unicode -> String show = Data.Coerce.coerce @(Hex Int -> String) @(Unicode -> String) show This extension generalizes :extension:`GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving`. To derive ``Num Unicode`` with GND (``deriving newtype Num``) it must reuse the ``Num Int`` instance. With ``DerivingVia``, we can explicitly specify the representation type ``Int``: :: newtype Unicode = U Int deriving Num via Int deriving Show via (Hex Int) euroSign :: Unicode euroSign = 0x20ac Code duplication is common in instance declarations. A familiar pattern is lifting operations over an ``Applicative`` functor. Instead of having catch-all instances for ``f a`` which overlap with all other such instances, like so: :: instance (Applicative f, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (f a) .. instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (f a) .. We can instead create a newtype ``App`` (where ``App f a`` and ``f a`` are represented the same in memory) and use :extension:`DerivingVia` to explicitly enable uses of this pattern: :: {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia, DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} import Control.Applicative newtype App f a = App (f a) deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative) instance (Applicative f, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (App f a) where (<>) = liftA2 (<>) instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (App f a) where mempty = pure mempty data Pair a = MkPair a a deriving stock Functor deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (App Pair a) instance Applicative Pair where pure a = MkPair a a MkPair f g <*> MkPair a b = MkPair (f a) (g b) Note that the ``via`` type does not have to be a ``newtype``. The only restriction is that it is coercible with the original data type. This means there can be arbitrary nesting of newtypes, as in the following example: :: newtype Kleisli m a b = Kleisli (a -> m b) deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (a -> App m b) Here we make use of the ``Monoid ((->) a)`` instance. When used in combination with :extension:`StandaloneDeriving` we swap the order for the instance we base our derivation on and the instance we define e.g.: :: deriving via (a -> App m b) instance Monoid (Kleisli m a b)