.. _overloaded-record-update: Overloaded record update ------------------------ .. extension:: OverloadedRecordUpdate :shortdesc: Allow ``.`` syntax in record updates :since: 9.2.0 Provides record ``.`` syntax in record updates e.g. ``x{foo.bar = 1}``. **EXPERIMENTAL** *This design of this extension may well change in the future. It would be inadvisable to start using this extension for long-lived libraries just yet.* It's usual (but not required) that this extension be used in conjunction with :ref:`overloaded-record-dot`. Example: .. code-block:: haskell {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, FunctionalDependencies, ScopedTypeVariables, PolyKinds, TypeApplications, DataKinds, FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot, OverloadedRecordUpdate, RebindableSyntax #-} import Prelude class HasField x r a | x r -> a where hasField :: r -> (a -> r, a) getField :: forall x r a . HasField x r a => r -> a getField = snd . hasField @x -- Note: a.x = is getField @"x" a. setField :: forall x r a . HasField x r a => a -> r -> r setField b a = fst (hasField @x a) b -- Note : a{x = b} is setField @"x" b a. data Person = Person { name :: String } deriving Show instance HasField "name" Person String where hasField r = (\x -> case r of Person { .. } -> Person { name = x, .. }, name r) data Company = Company { company :: String, owner :: Person } deriving Show instance HasField "company" Company String where hasField r = (\x -> case r of Company { .. } -> Company { company = x, .. }, company r) instance HasField "owner" Company Person where hasField r = (\x -> case r of Company { .. } -> Company { owner = x, .. }, owner r) main = do let c = Company {company = "Acme Corp.", owner = Person { name = "Wile E. Coyote" }} -- Top-level update print $ c{company = "Acme United"} -- Company {company = "Acme United", owner = Person {name = "Wile E. Coyote"}} -- Nested update print $ c{owner.name = "Walter C. Johnsen"} -- Company {company = "Acme Corp.", owner = Person {name = "Walter C. Johnsen"}} -- Punned update let name = "Walter C. Johnsen" print $ c{owner.name} -- Company {company = "Acme Corp.", owner = Person {name = "Walter C. Johnsen"}} ``OverloadedRecordUpdate`` works by desugaring record ``.`` update expressions to expressions involving the functions ``setField`` and ``getField``. Note that all record updates will be desugared to ``setField`` expressions whether they use ``.`` notation or not. At this time, ``RebindableSyntax`` must be enabled when ``OverloadedRecordUpdate`` is and users are required to provide definitions for ``getField`` and ``setField``. We anticipate this restriction to be lifted in a future release of GHC with builtin support for ``setField``.