
This is a Haskell package repository containing patched packages from Hackage for use with GHC prereleases.

The source of this package repository is at gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/head.hackage.

To use package repository with cabal-install >= 3.6 simply run the following:

      $ curl https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/head.hackage/cabal.project >> cabal.project.local
      $ cabal update

This will add the following source-repository stanza to your project's cabal.project.local:

repository head.hackage.ghc.haskell.org
   url: https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/head.hackage/
   secure: True
   key-threshold: 3
as well as the version constraints in cabal.constraints.

If you find a package that doesn't build with a recent GHC pre-release see the contributor documentation for instructions on how to contribute a patch.

If you encounter other trouble refer to the head.hackage documentation or let us know.

You might also be interested in referring to the CI build results of the build that gave rise to this repository.

head.hackage commit: 028c338f28a6ecab2856b47d1c0973888757fe59