{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- | JavaScript code generator
module GHC.StgToJS.CodeGen
  ( stgToJS

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Driver.Flags (DumpFlag (Opt_D_dump_js))

import GHC.JS.Ppr
import GHC.JS.JStg.Syntax
import GHC.JS.Ident
import GHC.JS.Make
import GHC.JS.Transform
import GHC.JS.Optimizer

import GHC.StgToJS.Arg
import GHC.StgToJS.Sinker
import GHC.StgToJS.Types
import qualified GHC.StgToJS.Object as Object
import GHC.StgToJS.Utils
import GHC.StgToJS.Deps
import GHC.StgToJS.Expr
import GHC.StgToJS.ExprCtx
import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
import GHC.StgToJS.Profiling
import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
import GHC.StgToJS.StaticPtr
import GHC.StgToJS.Symbols
import GHC.StgToJS.Stack
import GHC.StgToJS.Ids

import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import GHC.Core.DataCon
import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep (scaledThing)

import GHC.Unit.Module
import GHC.Linker.Types (SptEntry (..))

import GHC.Types.CostCentre
import GHC.Types.ForeignStubs (ForeignStubs (..), getCHeader, getCStub)
import GHC.Types.RepType
import GHC.Types.Id
import GHC.Types.Unique

import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Utils.Encoding
import GHC.Utils.Logger
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Binary
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ((<>))

import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

-- | Code generator for JavaScript
  :: Logger
  -> StgToJSConfig
  -> [CgStgTopBinding]
  -> Module
  -> [SptEntry]
  -> ForeignStubs
  -> CollectedCCs
  -> FilePath -- ^ Output file name
  -> IO ()
stgToJS :: Logger
-> StgToJSConfig
-> [CgStgTopBinding]
-> Module
-> [SptEntry]
-> ForeignStubs
-> CollectedCCs
-> FilePath
-> IO ()
stgToJS Logger
logger StgToJSConfig
config [CgStgTopBinding]
stg_binds0 Module
this_mod [SptEntry]
spt_entries ForeignStubs
foreign_stubs CollectedCCs
cccs FilePath
output_fn = do

  let (UniqFM Id CgStgExpr
unfloated_binds, [CgStgTopBinding]
stg_binds) = Module
-> [CgStgTopBinding] -> (UniqFM Id CgStgExpr, [CgStgTopBinding])
sinkPgm Module
this_mod [CgStgTopBinding]
    -- TODO: avoid top level lifting in core-2-core when the JS backend is
    -- enabled instead of undoing it here

    -- TODO: add dump pass for optimized STG ast for JS

  (deps,lus) <- StgToJSConfig
-> Module
-> UniqFM Id CgStgExpr
-> G (BlockInfo, [LinkableUnit])
-> IO (BlockInfo, [LinkableUnit])
forall a.
StgToJSConfig -> Module -> UniqFM Id CgStgExpr -> G a -> IO a
runG StgToJSConfig
config Module
this_mod UniqFM Id CgStgExpr
unfloated_binds (G (BlockInfo, [LinkableUnit]) -> IO (BlockInfo, [LinkableUnit]))
-> G (BlockInfo, [LinkableUnit]) -> IO (BlockInfo, [LinkableUnit])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    G () -> G ()
forall m. Monoid m => G m -> G m
ifProfilingM (G () -> G ()) -> G () -> G ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CollectedCCs -> G ()
initCostCentres CollectedCCs
    lus  <- HasDebugCallStack =>
-> [CgStgTopBinding]
-> [SptEntry]
-> ForeignStubs
-> G [LinkableUnit]
-> [CgStgTopBinding]
-> [SptEntry]
-> ForeignStubs
-> G [LinkableUnit]
genUnits Module
this_mod [CgStgTopBinding]
stg_binds [SptEntry]
spt_entries ForeignStubs
    deps <- genDependencyData this_mod lus
    pure (deps,lus)

  -- Doc to dump when -ddump-js is enabled
  when (logHasDumpFlag logger Opt_D_dump_js) $ do
    putDumpFileMaybe logger Opt_D_dump_js "JavaScript code" FormatJS
      $ vcat (fmap (jsToDoc . oiStat . luObjBlock) lus)

  -- Write the object file
  bh <- openBinMem (4 * 1000) -- a bit less than 4kB
  Object.putObject bh (moduleName this_mod) deps (map luObjBlock lus)

  createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory output_fn)
  writeBinMem bh output_fn

-- | Generate the ingredients for the linkable units for this module
genUnits :: HasDebugCallStack
         => Module
         -> [CgStgTopBinding]
         -> [SptEntry]
         -> ForeignStubs
         -> G [LinkableUnit] -- ^ the linkable units
genUnits :: HasDebugCallStack =>
-> [CgStgTopBinding]
-> [SptEntry]
-> ForeignStubs
-> G [LinkableUnit]
genUnits Module
m [CgStgTopBinding]
ss [SptEntry]
spt_entries ForeignStubs
foreign_stubs = do
    gbl     <- G LinkableUnit
HasDebugCallStack => G LinkableUnit
    exports <- generateExportsBlock
    others  <- go 2 ss
    pure (gbl:exports:others)
      go :: HasDebugCallStack
         => Int                 -- the block we're generating (block 0 is the global unit for the module)
         -> [CgStgTopBinding]
         -> G [LinkableUnit]
      go :: HasDebugCallStack => Int -> [CgStgTopBinding] -> G [LinkableUnit]
go !Int
n = \case
        []     -> [LinkableUnit] -> G [LinkableUnit]
forall a. a -> StateT GenState IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure []
xs) -> do
          mlu <- HasDebugCallStack =>
CgStgTopBinding -> Int -> G (Maybe LinkableUnit)
CgStgTopBinding -> Int -> G (Maybe LinkableUnit)
generateBlock CgStgTopBinding
x Int
          lus <- go (n+1) xs
          return (maybe lus (:lus) mlu)

      --   Generate the global unit that all other blocks in the module depend on
      --   used for cost centres and static initializers
      --   the global unit has no dependencies, exports the moduleGlobalSymbol
      generateGlobalBlock :: HasDebugCallStack => G LinkableUnit
      generateGlobalBlock :: HasDebugCallStack => G LinkableUnit
generateGlobalBlock = do
        glbl <- (GenState -> [JStgStat]) -> StateT GenState IO [JStgStat]
forall (m :: * -> *) s a. Monad m => (s -> a) -> StateT s m a
State.gets GenState -> [JStgStat]
        staticInit <-
          initStaticPtrs spt_entries
        let stat = ( JStgStat -> JStat
                   (JStgStat -> JStat) -> JStgStat -> JStat
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [JStgStat] -> JStgStat
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
mconcat ([JStgStat] -> [JStgStat]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [JStgStat]
glbl) JStgStat -> JStgStat -> JStgStat
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> JStgStat
        let opt_stat = JStat -> JStat
jsOptimize JStat
        let syms = [Module -> FastString
moduleGlobalSymbol Module
        let oi = ObjBlock
                  { oiSymbols :: [FastString]
oiSymbols  = [FastString]
                  , oiClInfo :: [ClosureInfo]
oiClInfo   = []
                  , oiStatic :: [StaticInfo]
oiStatic   = []
                  , oiStat :: JStat
oiStat     = JStat
                  , oiRaw :: ByteString
oiRaw      = ByteString
forall a. Monoid a => a
                  , oiFExports :: [ExpFun]
oiFExports = []
                  , oiFImports :: [ForeignJSRef]
oiFImports = []
        let lu = LinkableUnit
                  { luObjBlock :: ObjBlock
luObjBlock     = ObjBlock
                  , luIdExports :: [Id]
luIdExports    = []
                  , luOtherExports :: [FastString]
luOtherExports = [FastString]
                  , luIdDeps :: [Id]
luIdDeps       = []
                  , luPseudoIdDeps :: [Unique]
luPseudoIdDeps = []
                  , luOtherDeps :: [OtherSymb]
luOtherDeps    = []
                  , luRequired :: Bool
luRequired     = Bool
                  , luForeignRefs :: [ForeignJSRef]
luForeignRefs  = []
        pure lu

      generateExportsBlock :: HasDebugCallStack => G LinkableUnit
      generateExportsBlock :: HasDebugCallStack => G LinkableUnit
generateExportsBlock = do
        let (SDoc
f_hdr, SDoc
f_c) = case ForeignStubs
foreign_stubs of
NoStubs            -> (SDoc
forall doc. IsOutput doc => doc
empty, SDoc
forall doc. IsOutput doc => doc
                                  ForeignStubs CHeader
hdr CStub
c -> (CHeader -> SDoc
getCHeader CHeader
hdr, CStub -> SDoc
getCStub CStub
            unique_deps :: [Unique]
unique_deps = (FilePath -> Unique) -> [FilePath] -> [Unique]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map FilePath -> Unique
mkUniqueDep (FilePath -> [FilePath]
lines (FilePath -> [FilePath]) -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SDocContext -> SDoc -> FilePath
renderWithContext SDocContext
defaultSDocContext SDoc
            mkUniqueDep :: FilePath -> Unique
mkUniqueDep (Char
xs) = Char -> Word64 -> Unique
mkUnique Char
tag (FilePath -> Word64
forall a. Read a => FilePath -> a
read FilePath
            mkUniqueDep []       = FilePath -> Unique
forall a. HasCallStack => FilePath -> a
panic FilePath

        let syms :: [FastString]
syms = [Module -> FastString
moduleExportsSymbol Module
        let raw :: ByteString
raw  = FilePath -> ByteString
utf8EncodeByteString (FilePath -> ByteString) -> FilePath -> ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SDocContext -> SDoc -> FilePath
renderWithContext SDocContext
defaultSDocContext SDoc
        let oi :: ObjBlock
oi = ObjBlock
                  { oiSymbols :: [FastString]
oiSymbols  = [FastString]
                  , oiClInfo :: [ClosureInfo]
oiClInfo   = []
                  , oiStatic :: [StaticInfo]
oiStatic   = []
                  , oiStat :: JStat
oiStat     = JStat
forall a. Monoid a => a
                  , oiRaw :: ByteString
oiRaw      = ByteString
                  , oiFExports :: [ExpFun]
oiFExports = []
                  , oiFImports :: [ForeignJSRef]
oiFImports = []
        let lu :: LinkableUnit
lu = LinkableUnit
                  { luObjBlock :: ObjBlock
luObjBlock     = ObjBlock
                  , luIdExports :: [Id]
luIdExports    = []
                  , luOtherExports :: [FastString]
luOtherExports = [FastString]
                  , luIdDeps :: [Id]
luIdDeps       = []
                  , luPseudoIdDeps :: [Unique]
luPseudoIdDeps = [Unique]
                  , luOtherDeps :: [OtherSymb]
luOtherDeps    = []
                  , luRequired :: Bool
luRequired     = Bool
                  , luForeignRefs :: [ForeignJSRef]
luForeignRefs  = []
        LinkableUnit -> G LinkableUnit
forall a. a -> StateT GenState IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure LinkableUnit

      --   Generate the linkable unit for one binding or group of
      --   mutually recursive bindings
      generateBlock :: HasDebugCallStack
                    => CgStgTopBinding
                    -> Int
                    -> G (Maybe LinkableUnit)
      generateBlock :: HasDebugCallStack =>
CgStgTopBinding -> Int -> G (Maybe LinkableUnit)
generateBlock CgStgTopBinding
top_bind Int
_n = case CgStgTopBinding
top_bind of
        StgTopStringLit Id
bnd ByteString
str -> do
          bids <- Id -> G [Ident]
identsForId Id
          case bids of
            [(Ident -> FastString
identFS -> FastString
b1t),(Ident -> FastString
identFS -> FastString
b2t)] -> do
              FastString -> StaticVal -> Maybe Ident -> G ()
emitStatic FastString
b1t (StaticUnboxed -> StaticVal
StaticUnboxed (ByteString -> StaticUnboxed
StaticUnboxedString ByteString
str)) Maybe Ident
forall a. Maybe a
              FastString -> StaticVal -> Maybe Ident -> G ()
emitStatic FastString
b2t (StaticUnboxed -> StaticVal
StaticUnboxed (ByteString -> StaticUnboxed
StaticUnboxedStringOffset ByteString
str)) Maybe Ident
forall a. Maybe a
              si        <- (GenState -> [StaticInfo]) -> StateT GenState IO [StaticInfo]
forall (m :: * -> *) s a. Monad m => (s -> a) -> StateT s m a
State.gets (GenGroupState -> [StaticInfo]
ggsStatic (GenGroupState -> [StaticInfo])
-> (GenState -> GenGroupState) -> GenState -> [StaticInfo]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. GenState -> GenGroupState
              let ids = [Id
              syms <- (\(Ident -> FastString
identFS -> FastString
i) -> [FastString
i]) <$> identForId bnd
              let oi = ObjBlock
                        { oiSymbols :: [FastString]
oiSymbols  = [FastString]
                        , oiClInfo :: [ClosureInfo]
oiClInfo   = []
                        , oiStatic :: [StaticInfo]
oiStatic   = [StaticInfo]
                        , oiStat :: JStat
oiStat     = JStat
forall a. Monoid a => a
                        , oiRaw :: ByteString
oiRaw      = ByteString
                        , oiFExports :: [ExpFun]
oiFExports = []
                        , oiFImports :: [ForeignJSRef]
oiFImports = []
              let lu = LinkableUnit
                        { luObjBlock :: ObjBlock
luObjBlock     = ObjBlock
                        , luIdExports :: [Id]
luIdExports    = [Id]
                        , luOtherExports :: [FastString]
luOtherExports = []
                        , luIdDeps :: [Id]
luIdDeps       = []
                        , luPseudoIdDeps :: [Unique]
luPseudoIdDeps = []
                        , luOtherDeps :: [OtherSymb]
luOtherDeps    = []
                        , luRequired :: Bool
luRequired     = Bool
                        , luForeignRefs :: [ForeignJSRef]
luForeignRefs  = []
              pure (Just lu)
_ -> FilePath -> G (Maybe LinkableUnit)
forall a. HasCallStack => FilePath -> a
panic FilePath
"generateBlock: invalid size"

        StgTopLifted GenStgBinding 'CodeGen
decl -> do
          tl        <- GenStgBinding 'CodeGen -> G JStgStat
genToplevel GenStgBinding 'CodeGen
          extraTl   <- State.gets (ggsToplevelStats . gsGroup)
          ci        <- State.gets (ggsClosureInfo . gsGroup)
          si        <- State.gets (ggsStatic . gsGroup)
          unf       <- State.gets gsUnfloated
          extraDeps <- State.gets (ggsExtraDeps . gsGroup)
          fRefs     <- State.gets (ggsForeignRefs . gsGroup)
          let allDeps  = UniqFM Id CgStgExpr -> GenStgBinding 'CodeGen -> [Id]
collectIds UniqFM Id CgStgExpr
unf GenStgBinding 'CodeGen
              topDeps  = GenStgBinding 'CodeGen -> [Id]
collectTopIds GenStgBinding 'CodeGen
              required = GenStgBinding 'CodeGen -> Bool
hasExport GenStgBinding 'CodeGen
              stat     = JStgStat -> JStat
                         (JStgStat -> JStat) -> JStgStat -> JStat
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [JStgStat] -> JStgStat
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
mconcat ([JStgStat] -> [JStgStat]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [JStgStat]
extraTl) JStgStat -> JStgStat -> JStgStat
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> JStgStat
          let opt_stat = JStat -> JStat
jsOptimize JStat
          syms <- mapM (fmap (\(Ident -> FastString
identFS -> FastString
i) -> FastString
i) . identForId) topDeps
          let oi = ObjBlock
                    { oiSymbols :: [FastString]
oiSymbols  = [FastString]
                    , oiClInfo :: [ClosureInfo]
oiClInfo   = [ClosureInfo]
                    , oiStatic :: [StaticInfo]
oiStatic   = [StaticInfo]
                    , oiStat :: JStat
oiStat     = JStat
                    , oiRaw :: ByteString
oiRaw      = ByteString
                    , oiFExports :: [ExpFun]
oiFExports = []
                    , oiFImports :: [ForeignJSRef]
oiFImports = [ForeignJSRef]
          let lu = LinkableUnit
                    { luObjBlock :: ObjBlock
luObjBlock     = ObjBlock
                    , luIdExports :: [Id]
luIdExports    = [Id]
                    , luOtherExports :: [FastString]
luOtherExports = []
                    , luIdDeps :: [Id]
luIdDeps       = [Id]
                    , luPseudoIdDeps :: [Unique]
luPseudoIdDeps = []
                    , luOtherDeps :: [OtherSymb]
luOtherDeps    = Set OtherSymb -> [OtherSymb]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
S.toList Set OtherSymb
                    , luRequired :: Bool
luRequired     = Bool
                    , luForeignRefs :: [ForeignJSRef]
luForeignRefs  = [ForeignJSRef]
          pure $! seqList topDeps `seq` seqList allDeps `seq` Just lu

-- | variable prefix for the nth block in module

genToplevel :: CgStgBinding -> G JStgStat
genToplevel :: GenStgBinding 'CodeGen -> G JStgStat
genToplevel (StgNonRec BinderP 'CodeGen
bndr GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs) = Id -> GenStgRhs 'CodeGen -> G JStgStat
genToplevelDecl Id
BinderP 'CodeGen
bndr GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
genToplevel (StgRec [(BinderP 'CodeGen, GenStgRhs 'CodeGen)]
bs)          =
  [JStgStat] -> JStgStat
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
mconcat ([JStgStat] -> JStgStat)
-> StateT GenState IO [JStgStat] -> G JStgStat
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ((Id, GenStgRhs 'CodeGen) -> G JStgStat)
-> [(Id, GenStgRhs 'CodeGen)] -> StateT GenState IO [JStgStat]
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapM (\(Id
bndr, GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs) -> Id -> GenStgRhs 'CodeGen -> G JStgStat
genToplevelDecl Id
bndr GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs) [(Id, GenStgRhs 'CodeGen)]
[(BinderP 'CodeGen, GenStgRhs 'CodeGen)]

genToplevelDecl :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> G JStgStat
genToplevelDecl :: Id -> GenStgRhs 'CodeGen -> G JStgStat
genToplevelDecl Id
i GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs = do
  G () -> G ()
forall a. G a -> G a
resetSlots (Id -> GenStgRhs 'CodeGen -> G ()
genToplevelConEntry Id
i GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
  G JStgStat -> G JStgStat
forall a. G a -> G a
resetSlots (Id -> GenStgRhs 'CodeGen -> G JStgStat
genToplevelRhs Id
i GenStgRhs 'CodeGen

genToplevelConEntry :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> G ()
genToplevelConEntry :: Id -> GenStgRhs 'CodeGen -> G ()
genToplevelConEntry Id
i GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs = case GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs of
   StgRhsCon CostCentreStack
_cc DataCon
con ConstructorNumber
_mu [StgTickish]
_ts [StgArg]
_args Type
     | Id -> Bool
isDataConWorkId Id
       -> HasDebugCallStack => Id -> DataCon -> LiveVars -> G ()
Id -> DataCon -> LiveVars -> G ()
genSetConInfo Id
i DataCon
con (GenStgRhs 'CodeGen -> LiveVars
stgRhsLive GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs) -- NoSRT
   StgRhsClosure XRhsClosure 'CodeGen
_ CostCentreStack
_cc UpdateFlag
_upd_flag [BinderP 'CodeGen]
_args CgStgExpr
_body Type
     | Just DataCon
dc <- Id -> Maybe DataCon
isDataConWorkId_maybe Id
       -> HasDebugCallStack => Id -> DataCon -> LiveVars -> G ()
Id -> DataCon -> LiveVars -> G ()
genSetConInfo Id
i DataCon
dc (GenStgRhs 'CodeGen -> LiveVars
stgRhsLive GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs) -- srt
   GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
_ -> () -> G ()
forall a. a -> StateT GenState IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()

genSetConInfo :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> DataCon -> LiveVars -> G ()
genSetConInfo :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> DataCon -> LiveVars -> G ()
genSetConInfo Id
i DataCon
d LiveVars
l {- srt -} = do
  ei <- Id -> StateT GenState IO Ident
identForDataConEntryId Id
  sr <- genStaticRefs l
  let fields = (Scaled Type -> [JSRep]) -> [Scaled Type] -> [JSRep]
forall (t :: * -> *) a b. Foldable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [b]
concatMap (HasDebugCallStack => Type -> [JSRep]
Type -> [JSRep]
typeJSRep (Type -> [JSRep])
-> (Scaled Type -> Type) -> Scaled Type -> [JSRep]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Type -> Type
unwrapType (Type -> Type) -> (Scaled Type -> Type) -> Scaled Type -> Type
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Scaled Type -> Type
forall a. Scaled a -> a
                         (DataCon -> [Scaled Type]
dataConRepArgTys DataCon
  emitClosureInfo $ ClosureInfo
    { ciVar = ei
    , ciRegs = CIRegs 0 [PtrV]
    , ciName = mkFastString $ renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr d)
    , ciLayout = fixedLayout fields
    , ciType = CICon $ dataConTag d
    , ciStatic = sr
  emitToplevel (mkDataEntry ei)

mkDataEntry :: Ident -> JStgStat
mkDataEntry :: Ident -> JStgStat
mkDataEntry Ident
i = Ident -> [Ident] -> JStgStat -> JStgStat
FuncStat Ident
i [] JStgStat

genToplevelRhs :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> G JStgStat
-- general cases:
genToplevelRhs :: Id -> GenStgRhs 'CodeGen -> G JStgStat
genToplevelRhs Id
i GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs = case GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
rhs of
  StgRhsCon CostCentreStack
cc DataCon
con ConstructorNumber
_mu [StgTickish]
_tys [StgArg]
args Type
_typ -> do
    ii <- Id -> StateT GenState IO Ident
identForId Id
    allocConStatic ii cc con args
    return mempty
  StgRhsClosure XRhsClosure 'CodeGen
_ext CostCentreStack
cc UpdateFlag
_upd_flag {- srt -} [BinderP 'CodeGen]
args CgStgExpr
body Type
typ -> do
       - collect all Id refs that are in the global id cache
       - count usage in body for each ref
       - order by increasing use
       - prepend loading lives var to body: body can stay the same
    eid  <- Id -> StateT GenState IO Ident
identForEntryId Id
    idt  <- identFS <$> identForId i
    body <- genBody (initExprCtx i) R2 args body typ
    global_occs <- globalOccs body
    let eidt = Ident -> FastString
identFS Ident
    let lidents = (GlobalOcc -> Ident) -> [GlobalOcc] -> [Ident]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map GlobalOcc -> Ident
global_ident [GlobalOcc]
    let lids    = (GlobalOcc -> Id) -> [GlobalOcc] -> [Id]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map GlobalOcc -> Id
global_id    [GlobalOcc]
    let lidents' = (Ident -> FastString) -> [Ident] -> [FastString]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Ident -> FastString
identFS [Ident]
    CIStaticRefs sr0 <- genStaticRefsRhs rhs
    let sri = (FastString -> Bool) -> [FastString] -> [FastString]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter (FastString -> [FastString] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool
`notElem` [FastString]
lidents') [FastString]
        sr   = [FastString] -> CIStatic
CIStaticRefs [FastString]
    et <- genEntryType args
    ll <- loadLiveFun lids
    (static, regs, upd) <-
      if et == CIThunk
        then do
          r <- updateThunk
          pure (StaticThunk (Just (eidt, map StaticObjArg lidents')), CIRegs 0 [PtrV],r)
        else return (StaticFun eidt (map StaticObjArg lidents'),
                    (if null lidents then CIRegs 1 (concatMap idJSRep args)
                                     else CIRegs 0 (PtrV : concatMap idJSRep args))
                      , mempty)
    setcc <- ifProfiling $
               if et == CIThunk
                 then enterCostCentreThunk
                 else enterCostCentreFun cc
    emitClosureInfo $ ClosureInfo
      { ciVar = eid
      , ciRegs = regs
      , ciName = idt
      , ciLayout = fixedLayout $ map (unaryTypeJSRep . idType) lids
      , ciType = et
      , ciStatic = sr
    ccId <- costCentreStackLbl cc
    emitStatic idt static ccId
    return $ (FuncStat eid [] (ll <> upd <> setcc <> body))