module GHC.Unit.Module.ModGuts
   ( ModGuts (..)
   , mg_mnwib
   , CgGuts (..)

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.ByteCode.Types
import GHC.ForeignSrcLang

import GHC.Hs

import GHC.Unit
import GHC.Unit.Module.Deps
import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings

import GHC.Core.InstEnv ( InstEnv, ClsInst )
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
import GHC.Core         ( CoreProgram, CoreRule )
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Core.PatSyn

import GHC.Linker.Types ( SptEntry(..) )

import GHC.Types.Annotations ( Annotation )
import GHC.Types.Avail
import GHC.Types.CompleteMatch
import GHC.Types.DefaultEnv ( DefaultEnv )
import GHC.Types.Fixity.Env
import GHC.Types.ForeignStubs
import GHC.Types.HpcInfo
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import GHC.Types.Name.Set (NameSet)
import GHC.Types.SafeHaskell
import GHC.Types.SourceFile ( HscSource(..), hscSourceToIsBoot )
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.CostCentre

import Data.Set (Set)

-- | A ModGuts is carried through the compiler, accumulating stuff as it goes
-- There is only one ModGuts at any time, the one for the module
-- being compiled right now.  Once it is compiled, a 'ModIface' and
-- 'ModDetails' are extracted and the ModGuts is discarded.
data ModGuts
  = ModGuts {
        ModGuts -> Module
mg_module    :: !Module,         -- ^ Module being compiled
        ModGuts -> HscSource
mg_hsc_src   :: HscSource,       -- ^ Whether it's an hs-boot module
        ModGuts -> SrcSpan
mg_loc       :: SrcSpan,         -- ^ For error messages from inner passes
        ModGuts -> [AvailInfo]
mg_exports   :: ![AvailInfo],    -- ^ What it exports
        ModGuts -> Dependencies
mg_deps      :: !Dependencies,   -- ^ What it depends on, directly or
                                         -- otherwise
        ModGuts -> [Usage]
mg_usages    :: ![Usage],        -- ^ What was used?  Used for interfaces.

        ModGuts -> Bool
mg_used_th   :: !Bool,           -- ^ Did we run a TH splice?
        ModGuts -> GlobalRdrEnv
mg_rdr_env   :: !GlobalRdrEnv,   -- ^ Top-level lexical environment

        -- These fields all describe the things **declared in this module**
        ModGuts -> FixityEnv
mg_fix_env   :: !FixityEnv,      -- ^ Fixities declared in this module.
                                         -- Used for creating interface files.
        ModGuts -> [TyCon]
mg_tcs       :: ![TyCon],        -- ^ TyCons declared in this module
                                         -- (includes TyCons for classes)
        ModGuts -> DefaultEnv
mg_defaults  :: !DefaultEnv    , -- ^ Class defaults exported from this module
        ModGuts -> [ClsInst]
mg_insts     :: ![ClsInst],      -- ^ Class instances declared in this module
        ModGuts -> [FamInst]
mg_fam_insts :: ![FamInst],
                                         -- ^ Family instances declared in this module
        ModGuts -> [PatSyn]
mg_patsyns   :: ![PatSyn],       -- ^ Pattern synonyms declared in this module
        ModGuts -> [CoreRule]
mg_rules     :: ![CoreRule],     -- ^ Before the core pipeline starts, contains
                                         -- See Note [Overall plumbing for rules] in "GHC.Core.Rules"
        ModGuts -> CoreProgram
mg_binds     :: !CoreProgram,    -- ^ Bindings for this module
        ModGuts -> ForeignStubs
mg_foreign   :: !ForeignStubs,   -- ^ Foreign exports declared in this module
        ModGuts -> [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)]
mg_foreign_files :: ![(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)],
        -- ^ Files to be compiled with the C compiler
        ModGuts -> Warnings GhcRn
mg_warns     :: !(Warnings GhcRn),  -- ^ Warnings declared in the module
        ModGuts -> [Annotation]
mg_anns      :: [Annotation],    -- ^ Annotations declared in this module
        ModGuts -> CompleteMatches
mg_complete_matches :: CompleteMatches, -- ^ Complete Matches
        ModGuts -> HpcInfo
mg_hpc_info  :: !HpcInfo,        -- ^ Coverage tick boxes in the module
        ModGuts -> Maybe ModBreaks
mg_modBreaks :: !(Maybe ModBreaks), -- ^ Breakpoints for the module

                        -- The next two fields are unusual, because they give instance
                        -- environments for *all* modules in the home package, including
                        -- this module, rather than for *just* this module.
                        -- Reason: when looking up an instance we don't want to have to
                        --         look at each module in the home package in turn
        ModGuts -> InstEnv
mg_inst_env     :: InstEnv,             -- ^ Class instance environment for
                                                -- /home-package/ modules (including this
                                                -- one); c.f. 'tcg_inst_env'
        ModGuts -> FamInstEnv
mg_fam_inst_env :: FamInstEnv,          -- ^ Type-family instance environment for
                                                -- /home-package/ modules (including this
                                                -- one); c.f. 'tcg_fam_inst_env'
        ModGuts -> NameSet
mg_boot_exports :: !NameSet,             -- Things that are also export via hs-boot file

        ModGuts -> SafeHaskellMode
mg_safe_haskell :: SafeHaskellMode,     -- ^ Safe Haskell mode
        ModGuts -> Bool
mg_trust_pkg    :: Bool,                -- ^ Do we need to trust our
                                                -- own package for Safe Haskell?
                                                -- See Note [Trust Own Package]
                                                -- in "GHC.Rename.Names"

        ModGuts -> Maybe Docs
mg_docs         :: !(Maybe Docs)       -- ^ Documentation.

mg_mnwib :: ModGuts -> ModuleNameWithIsBoot
mg_mnwib :: ModGuts -> ModuleNameWithIsBoot
mg_mnwib ModGuts
mg = ModuleName -> IsBootInterface -> ModuleNameWithIsBoot
forall mod. mod -> IsBootInterface -> GenWithIsBoot mod
GWIB (Module -> ModuleName
forall unit. GenModule unit -> ModuleName
moduleName (ModGuts -> Module
mg_module ModGuts
mg)) (HscSource -> IsBootInterface
hscSourceToIsBoot (ModGuts -> HscSource
mg_hsc_src ModGuts

-- The ModGuts takes on several slightly different forms:
-- After simplification, the following fields change slightly:
--      mg_rules        Orphan rules only (local ones now attached to binds)
--      mg_binds        With rules attached

-- The Tidy pass forks the information about this module:
--      * one lot goes to interface file generation (ModIface)
--        and later compilations (ModDetails)
--      * the other lot goes to code generation (CgGuts)

-- | A restricted form of 'ModGuts' for code generation purposes
data CgGuts
  = CgGuts {
        CgGuts -> Module
cg_module    :: !Module,
                -- ^ Module being compiled

        CgGuts -> [TyCon]
cg_tycons    :: [TyCon],
                -- ^ Algebraic data types (including ones that started
                -- life as classes); generate constructors and info
                -- tables. Includes newtypes, just for the benefit of
                -- External Core

        CgGuts -> CoreProgram
cg_binds     :: CoreProgram,
                -- ^ The tidied main bindings, including
                -- previously-implicit bindings for record and class
                -- selectors, and data constructor wrappers.  But *not*
                -- data constructor workers; reason: we regard them
                -- as part of the code-gen of tycons

        CgGuts -> [CostCentre]
cg_ccs       :: [CostCentre], -- List of cost centres used in bindings and rules
        CgGuts -> ForeignStubs
cg_foreign   :: !ForeignStubs,   -- ^ Foreign export stubs
        CgGuts -> [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)]
cg_foreign_files :: ![(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)],
        CgGuts -> Set UnitId
cg_dep_pkgs  :: !(Set UnitId),      -- ^ Dependent packages, used to
                                            -- generate #includes for C code gen
        CgGuts -> HpcInfo
cg_hpc_info  :: !HpcInfo,           -- ^ Program coverage tick box information
        CgGuts -> Maybe ModBreaks
cg_modBreaks :: !(Maybe ModBreaks), -- ^ Module breakpoints
        CgGuts -> [SptEntry]
cg_spt_entries :: [SptEntry]
                -- ^ Static pointer table entries for static forms defined in
                -- the module.
                -- See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in "GHC.Iface.Tidy.StaticPtrTable"