module GHC.Unit.Module.Imported
   ( ImportedMods
   , ImportedBy (..)
   , ImportedModsVal (..)
   , importedByUser

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Unit.Module

import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import GHC.Types.SafeHaskell
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import Data.Map (Map)

-- | Records the modules directly imported by a module for extracting e.g.
-- usage information, and also to give better error message
type ImportedMods = Map Module [ImportedBy]
  -- We don't want to use a `ModuleEnv` since it would leak a non-deterministic
  -- order to the interface files when passed as a list to `mkUsageInfo`.

-- | If a module was "imported" by the user, we associate it with
-- more detailed usage information 'ImportedModsVal'; a module
-- imported by the system only gets used for usage information.
data ImportedBy
    = ImportedByUser ImportedModsVal
    | ImportedBySystem

importedByUser :: [ImportedBy] -> [ImportedModsVal]
importedByUser :: [ImportedBy] -> [ImportedModsVal]
importedByUser (ImportedByUser ImportedModsVal
imv : [ImportedBy]
bys) = ImportedModsVal
imv ImportedModsVal -> [ImportedModsVal] -> [ImportedModsVal]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [ImportedBy] -> [ImportedModsVal]
importedByUser [ImportedBy]
importedByUser (ImportedBy
ImportedBySystem   : [ImportedBy]
bys) =       [ImportedBy] -> [ImportedModsVal]
importedByUser [ImportedBy]
importedByUser [] = []

data ImportedModsVal = ImportedModsVal
   { ImportedModsVal -> ModuleName
imv_name        :: ModuleName
      -- ^ The name the module is imported with

   , ImportedModsVal -> SrcSpan
imv_span        :: SrcSpan
      -- ^ the source span of the whole import

   , ImportedModsVal -> IsSafeImport
imv_is_safe     :: IsSafeImport
      -- ^ whether this is a safe import

   , ImportedModsVal -> IsSafeImport
imv_is_hiding   :: Bool
      -- ^ whether this is an "hiding" import

   , ImportedModsVal -> GlobalRdrEnv
imv_all_exports :: !GlobalRdrEnv
      -- ^ all the things the module could provide.
      -- NB. BangPattern here: otherwise this leaks. (#15111)

   , ImportedModsVal -> IsSafeImport
imv_qualified   :: Bool
      -- ^ whether this is a qualified import