Safe Haskell | None |
Language | GHC2021 |
- type ErrCtxt = (Bool, TidyEnv -> ZonkM (TidyEnv, ErrCtxtMsg))
- data ErrCtxtMsg
- = ExprCtxt !(HsExpr GhcRn)
- | ThetaCtxt !UserTypeCtxt !ThetaType
- | QuantifiedCtCtxt !PredType
- | InferredTypeCtxt !Name !TcType
- | SigCtxt !(Sig GhcRn)
- | UserSigCtxt !UserTypeCtxt !(UserSigType GhcRn)
- | RecordUpdCtxt !(NonEmpty ConLike) ![Name] ![TyCoVar]
- | ClassOpCtxt !Id !Type
- | MethSigCtxt !Name !TcType !TcType
- | PatSigErrCtxt !TcType !TcType
- | PatCtxt !(Pat GhcRn)
- | PatSynDeclCtxt !Name
- | MatchCtxt !HsMatchContextRn
- | Outputable body => MatchInCtxt !(Match GhcRn body)
- | FunAppCtxt !FunAppCtxtFunArg !Int
- | FunTysCtxt !ExpectedFunTyOrigin !Type !Int !Int
- | FunResCtxt !(HsExpr GhcTc) !Int !Type !Type !Int !Int
- | TyConDeclCtxt !Name !(TyConFlavour TyCon)
- | TyConInstCtxt !Name !TyConInstFlavour
- | DataConDefCtxt !(NonEmpty (LocatedN Name))
- | DataConResTyCtxt !(NonEmpty (LocatedN Name))
- | ClosedFamEqnCtxt !TyCon
- | TySynErrCtxt !TyCon
- | RoleAnnotErrCtxt !Name
- | CmdCtxt !(HsCmd GhcRn)
- | InstDeclErrCtxt !(Either (LHsType GhcRn) PredType)
- | DefaultDeclErrCtxt
- | StaticFormCtxt !(LHsExpr GhcRn)
- | OutputableBndrId p => PatMonoBindsCtxt !(LPat (GhcPass p)) !(GRHSs GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn))
- | ForeignDeclCtxt !(ForeignDecl GhcRn)
- | FieldCtxt !FieldLabelString
- | TypeCtxt !(LHsType GhcRn)
- | KindCtxt !(LHsKind GhcRn)
- | AmbiguityCheckCtxt !UserTypeCtxt !Bool
- | TermLevelUseCtxt !Name !TermLevelUseCtxt
- | MainCtxt !Name
- | VDQWarningCtxt !TcTyCon
- | (Anno (StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn body) ~ SrcSpanAnnA, Outputable body) => StmtErrCtxt !HsStmtContextRn !(StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn body)
- | SyntaxNameCtxt !(HsExpr GhcRn) !CtOrigin !TcType !SrcSpan
- | RuleCtxt !FastString
- | SubTypeCtxt !TcType !TcType
- | OutputableBndrId p => ExportCtxt (IE (GhcPass p))
- | PatSynExportCtxt !PatSyn
- | PatSynRecSelExportCtxt !PatSyn !Name
- | OutputableBndrId p => AnnCtxt (AnnDecl (GhcPass p))
- | SpecPragmaCtxt !(Sig GhcRn)
- | DerivInstCtxt !PredType
- | StandaloneDerivCtxt !(LHsSigWcType GhcRn)
- | DerivBindCtxt !Id !Class ![Type]
- | UntypedTHBracketCtxt !(HsQuote GhcPs)
- | OutputableBndrId p => TypedTHBracketCtxt !(LHsExpr (GhcPass p))
- | UntypedSpliceCtxt !(HsUntypedSplice GhcPs)
- | OutputableBndrId p => TypedSpliceCtxt !(Maybe SplicePointName) !(LHsExpr (GhcPass p))
- | TypedSpliceResultCtxt !(LHsExpr GhcTc)
- | ReifyInstancesCtxt !Name ![Type]
- | MergeSignaturesCtxt !UnitState !ModuleName ![InstantiatedModule]
- | CheckImplementsCtxt !UnitState !Module !InstantiatedModule
- data UserSigType p
- = UserLHsSigType !(LHsSigType p)
- | UserLHsType !(LHsType p)
- data FunAppCtxtFunArg
- = FunAppCtxtExpr !(HsExpr GhcRn) !(HsExpr GhcRn)
- | FunAppCtxtTy !(LHsType GhcRn) !(LHsType GhcRn)
- data TyConInstFlavour = TyConInstFlavour {}
type ErrCtxt = (Bool, TidyEnv -> ZonkM (TidyEnv, ErrCtxtMsg)) Source #
Additional context to include in an error message, e.g. "In the type signature ...", "In the ambiguity check for ...", etc.
data ErrCtxtMsg Source #
The "context" of an error message, e.g. "In the expression ...", "In the pattern ...", or "In the equations for closed type family ...".
ExprCtxt !(HsExpr GhcRn) | In an expression. |
ThetaCtxt !UserTypeCtxt !ThetaType | In a user-written context. |
QuantifiedCtCtxt !PredType | In a quantified constraint. |
InferredTypeCtxt !Name !TcType | When checking an inferred type. |
SigCtxt !(Sig GhcRn) | In an inline pragma, or a fixity signature,
or a type signature, or... (see |
UserSigCtxt !UserTypeCtxt !(UserSigType GhcRn) | In a user-written type signature. |
RecordUpdCtxt !(NonEmpty ConLike) ![Name] ![TyCoVar] | In a record update. |
ClassOpCtxt !Id !Type | In a class method. |
MethSigCtxt !Name !TcType !TcType | In the instance type signature of a class method. |
PatSigErrCtxt !TcType !TcType | In a pattern type signature. |
PatCtxt !(Pat GhcRn) | In a pattern. |
PatSynDeclCtxt !Name | In a pattern synonym declaration. |
MatchCtxt !HsMatchContextRn | In a pattern matching context, e.g. a equation for a function binding, or a case alternative, ... |
Outputable body => MatchInCtxt !(Match GhcRn body) | In a match in a pattern matching context, either for an expression or for an arrow command. |
FunAppCtxt !FunAppCtxtFunArg !Int | In a function application. |
FunTysCtxt !ExpectedFunTyOrigin !Type !Int !Int | In a function call. |
FunResCtxt !(HsExpr GhcTc) !Int !Type !Type !Int !Int | In the result of a function call. |
TyConDeclCtxt !Name !(TyConFlavour TyCon) | In the declaration of a type constructor. |
TyConInstCtxt !Name !TyConInstFlavour | In a type or data family instance (or default instance). |
DataConDefCtxt !(NonEmpty (LocatedN Name)) | In the declaration of a data constructor. |
DataConResTyCtxt !(NonEmpty (LocatedN Name)) | In the result type of a data constructor. |
ClosedFamEqnCtxt !TyCon | In the equations for a closed type family. |
TySynErrCtxt !TyCon | In the expansion of a type synonym. |
RoleAnnotErrCtxt !Name | In a role annotation. |
CmdCtxt !(HsCmd GhcRn) | In an arrow command. |
InstDeclErrCtxt !(Either (LHsType GhcRn) PredType) | In an instance declaration. |
DefaultDeclErrCtxt | In a default declaration. |
StaticFormCtxt !(LHsExpr GhcRn) | In the body of a static form. |
OutputableBndrId p => PatMonoBindsCtxt !(LPat (GhcPass p)) !(GRHSs GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)) | In a pattern binding. |
ForeignDeclCtxt !(ForeignDecl GhcRn) | In a foreign import/export declaration. |
FieldCtxt !FieldLabelString | In a record field. |
TypeCtxt !(LHsType GhcRn) | In a type. |
KindCtxt !(LHsKind GhcRn) | In a kind. |
AmbiguityCheckCtxt !UserTypeCtxt !Bool | In an ambiguity check. |
TermLevelUseCtxt !Name !TermLevelUseCtxt | In a term-level use of a |
MainCtxt !Name | When checking the type of the |
VDQWarningCtxt !TcTyCon | Warning emitted when inferring use of visible dependent quantification. |
(Anno (StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn body) ~ SrcSpanAnnA, Outputable body) => StmtErrCtxt !HsStmtContextRn !(StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn body) | In a statement. |
SyntaxNameCtxt !(HsExpr GhcRn) !CtOrigin !TcType !SrcSpan | In an rebindable syntax expression. |
RuleCtxt !FastString | In a RULE. |
SubTypeCtxt !TcType !TcType | In a subtype check. |
OutputableBndrId p => ExportCtxt (IE (GhcPass p)) | In an export. |
PatSynExportCtxt !PatSyn | In an export of a pattern synonym. |
PatSynRecSelExportCtxt !PatSyn !Name | In an export of a pattern synonym record field. |
OutputableBndrId p => AnnCtxt (AnnDecl (GhcPass p)) | In an annotation. |
SpecPragmaCtxt !(Sig GhcRn) | In a specialise pragma. |
DerivInstCtxt !PredType | In a deriving clause. |
StandaloneDerivCtxt !(LHsSigWcType GhcRn) | In a standalone deriving clause. |
DerivBindCtxt !Id !Class ![Type] | When typechecking the body of a derived instance. |
UntypedTHBracketCtxt !(HsQuote GhcPs) | In an untyped Template Haskell quote. |
OutputableBndrId p => TypedTHBracketCtxt !(LHsExpr (GhcPass p)) | In a typed Template Haskell quote. |
UntypedSpliceCtxt !(HsUntypedSplice GhcPs) | In an untyped Template Haskell splice or quasi-quote. |
OutputableBndrId p => TypedSpliceCtxt !(Maybe SplicePointName) !(LHsExpr (GhcPass p)) | In a typed TEmplate Haskell splice. |
TypedSpliceResultCtxt !(LHsExpr GhcTc) | In the result of a typed Template Haskell splice. |
ReifyInstancesCtxt !Name ![Type] | In an argument to the Template Haskell |
MergeSignaturesCtxt !UnitState !ModuleName ![InstantiatedModule] | While merging Backpack signatures. |
CheckImplementsCtxt !UnitState !Module !InstantiatedModule | While checking that a module implements a Backpack signature. |
data UserSigType p Source #
UserLHsSigType !(LHsSigType p) | |
UserLHsType !(LHsType p) |
OutputableBndrId p => Outputable (UserSigType (GhcPass p)) Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.ErrCtxt |
data FunAppCtxtFunArg Source #
FunAppCtxtExpr !(HsExpr GhcRn) !(HsExpr GhcRn) | |
FunAppCtxtTy !(LHsType GhcRn) !(LHsType GhcRn) |
data TyConInstFlavour Source #
Like TyConFlavour
but for instance declarations, with
the additional information of whether this we are dealing with
a default declaration.
TyConInstFlavour | |