6.4.6. Type variable defaulting¶
During type-checking, the typechecker will create metavariables that stand for
as-yet unknown types. If the typechecker cannot infer a specific type for a
metavariable (nor quantify over it), it will default the type variable
to a specific type, such as Int
or String
The main principle of defaulting is that it is used as a best guess for type variables that remain undetermined at the very end of type inference.
For example:
-- Ambiguity:
u :: String
u = show 4.12
-- The type of 4.12 is ambiguous; default it to Double
-- Monomorphism restriction:
k = 6
-- Due to the monomorphism restriction, we must infer a monomorphic type, not:
-- k :: forall a. Num a => a
-- GHC defaults the type of k to Integer.
-- NoPolyKinds:
f Proxy = ()
-- With -XNoPolyKinds, we cannot infer the poly-kinded type
-- forall {k} (a :: k). Proxy a -> ()
-- GHC defaults (k := Type), thus inferring
-- f :: forall (a :: Type). Proxy a -> ()
-- Representation polymorphism:
g x = x
-- Should not quantify over the representation, as we cannot infer
-- a representation-polymorphic type for 'x':
-- forall {r} (a :: TYPE r). a -> a
-- Default r := LiftedRep, thus inferring
-- g :: forall (a :: Type). a -> a
-- Multiplicity polymorphism
{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
h x = x
-- Do not infer multiplicity polymorphism:
-- h :: forall {m} a. a %m -> a
-- GHC defaults (m := Many), thus inferring
-- h :: forall (a :: Type). a %Many -> a
The rest of this section will explain how defaulting assignment choices are made by GHC. Type class defaulting¶
The principal defaulting mechanism is type class defaulting. It is used in situations such as:
u :: String
u = show 4.12
-- (4.12 :: a), with constraints (Fractional a, Show a).
v :: [Int] -> [Char] -> Bool
v xs ys = genericLength xs > genericLength ys
-- Recall that (genericLength :: Num i => [x] -> i). Here, the return type
-- of the two calls to genericLength are ambiguous; we get
-- (genericLength xs :: a) with constraints (Num a, Ord a).
The idea is that, because the type variable a
appears as the argument to
an unsolved numeric constraint such as Num a
or Fractional a
, it is
natural to default a
to a numeric type such as Double
or Integer
The original rules from the (Haskell Report, Section 4.3.4) for
defaulting an unfilled metavariable a
are as follows:
The type variable
appears only in constraints of the formC v
for a classC
. (Small asterisk: ignoring invisible type parameters, e.g. the kind parameter forTypeable
.)All the classes that
appears in are standard (i.e. they are defined in the Prelude or a standard library).At least one of the classes is numeric (e.g. is
, or impliesNum
In such a situation, GHC will attempt to default a
by looking at which
default declarations are in scope in the module, e.g.:
default (Int, Integer, Double)
means: first try to default a
to Int
. If that fails, try Integer
instead, and if that fails try Double
. The Haskell report requires that
all the types listed in the default
declaration must be instances of
If the module contains no default
declaration, then GHC behaves as if
the following fallback default declaration is present:
default (Integer, Double) Extensions to type class defaulting¶
Several extensions to the rules are available. The basic mechanism described above dictates that the only defaultable classes are the numeric classes, with the extra constraint that all classes must be standard. Overloaded strings¶
extends both the defaultable and standard classes
to include IsString
. It allows types that are instances of IsString
default declarations, and adds String
to the fallback default declaration
when no default declaration is provided. Named defaults¶
allows per-class default declarations, e.g.
default Show (Int, Bool)
, with the requirement that the types are instances
of the class. The sets of defaultable and standard classes are both extended to
include any class with a named default declaration. Extended default rules¶
, which is enabled by default in the GHCi
prompt, extends the rules more significantly:
It extends the set of defautable classes to include interactive classes, adding
. Types that are instances of any of these classes are then allowed in default declarations.It adds the unit type
and the list type[]
to the start of the fallback default declaration.The rules for defaulting are changed to the following:
Find the constraints that are of form
C a
is a type variable, and partition those constraints into groups that share a common type variablea
.Keep only the groups in which at least one of the classes is a defaultable class. (As explained above, these include the interactive classes,
, and any class with a named default declaration withNamedDefaults
.)For each remaining group G, try each type
from the default-type list in turn. If settinga = ty
would allow the constraints in G to be completely solved, defaulta
; otherwise try the next type in the list.
To rephrase, (3) means that we filter out all the constraints that are not of
the form C a
for a defaultable class C
. Such constraints thus do not
participate in the process (either to help or to hinder); but they must
of course be soluble once the defaulting process is complete. In particular,
this includes all multi-parameter constraints such as D a b
or E [a] Int
. Other defaulting mechanisms¶
Besides the main type-class defaulting mechanism described in Type class defaulting, GHC also contains a several other (more specialised) mechanisms for defaulting. Kind-based defaulting¶
For type variables of kind RuntimeRep
or Levity
, GHC will default them
to LiftedRep
and Lifted
, respectively. This is explained in
Inference and defaulting.
For type variables of kind Multiplicity
, GHC will default to Many
, as
explained in Linear types: linear and multiplicity-polymorphic
arrows are always declared, never inferred.
For kind variables (of kind Type
), GHC will default to Type
when PolyKinds
is not enabled; see Kind defaulting without PolyKinds. Callstack defaulting¶
To implement the HasCallStack
and ExceptionContext
mechanisms, GHC
will default any unsolved HasCallStack
constraints to EmptyCallStack
and any unsolved ExceptionContext
constraints to emptyExceptionContext
respectively. Equality defaulting¶
Usually, when GHC encounters an equality constraint alpha ~ ty
in which
is an unfilled metavariable, GHC will immediately unify alpha
with ty
. However, in certain circumstances, GHC will hold off from eagerly
unifying alpha := ty
in order to preserve the ability to infer principal
types. For example:
data T a where
MkT :: T Bool
h x = case x of { MkT -> True }
Within the case match, GHC creates a fresh metavariable beta
for the return
type, but this metavariable is “stuck” inside the equality constraint
introduced by the GADT pattern match:
forall a. a ~ Bool => beta ~ Bool
Here GHC could either unify beta := a
or beta := Bool
, which would
result in the following type signatures for h
, respectively:
forall a. T a -> a
T Bool -> Bool
Neither of these is more general than the other, so GHC holds off from unifying
beta := Bool
– even though there is an unsolved equality constraint
beta ~ Bool
. Because we are not at the top-level (we are inside a GADT
pattern match), this will cause GHC to reject this program (fix: add a type
signature to h
However, in cases where typechecking does manage to proceed to the top-level, it makes sense to default unfilled metavariables that appear in unsolved nominal equality constraints. For example:
f :: forall a. (forall t. (F t ~ Int) => a -> Int) -> Int
g :: Int
g = f id
In this case, when instantiating f
in the body of g
, GHC will create
a fresh metavariable alpha
for the outer forall of f
, which again
appears in an implication below another equality constraint:
forall t. (F t ~ Int) => alpha ~ Int
However, unlike in the previous GADT example, here we are at the top-level and
we can’t quantify over alpha
. So GHC goes ahead and defaults alpha
to Int
; this does not threaten principal types.